Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Hyenas cooperate better than chimps: Study

Spotted HyenaImage via Wikipedia
Chimpanzees may be smarter than spotted hyenas, but a new study has found that latter outperform the primates on cooperative problem-solving tests.

An evolutionary anthropologist says in the study published online in the October issue of 'Animal Behaviour' that captive pairs of spotted hyenas which needed to tug two ropes in unison to earn a food reward cooperated successfully and learned the maneuvers quickly with no training.

Experienced hyenas even helped inexperienced partners do the trick, he was quoted as saying by the 'Science Daily'.

On the other hand, chimpanzees and other primates many a times require extensive training while cooperation between individuals may not be easy, said Christine Drea, an evolutionary anthropologist at Duke University.

Drea's research shows that social carnivores such as spotted hyenas may be good models for investigating cooperative problem solving and the evolution of social intelligence.

"This study shows that spotted hyenas are more adept at these sorts of cooperation and problem-solving studies in the lab than chimps are," she said.

Researchers have focused on primates for decades with an assumption that higher cognitive functioning in large-brained animals should enable organised teamwork.

But Drea's study demonstrates that social carnivores, including dogs, may be very good at cooperative problem solving, even though their brains are comparatively smaller, the Daily reported.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Habitable moons 'could to be spotted by 2014

British astronomers have claimed that thousands of moons capable of supporting life, like those shown in the popular Star Wars' flicks, could be scattered all over our galaxy, and are likely to be spotted by 2014.
A team at University College London hopes to track the habitable moons within the next five years, using a telescope launched by US space agency Nasa earlier this year to hunt out other planets.

According to lead astronomer Dr David Kipping, there are more than 12,500 stars within sight of Nasa's Kepler Space Telescope that have the potential for moons orbiting in areas of space where conditions could be favourable to life.

In fact, they have devised a new method for detecting moons in other solar systems -- known as exomoons.

Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Awards 2009 announced

Eleven scientist were selected for 2009 Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize for science and technology on the occasion of CSIR Foundation Day celebration here today at Vigyan Bhawan. Their names discipline-wise are as under:
Biological Sciences

1.       Dr Amitabh Joshi, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Banglore.
2.       Dr Bhaskar Saha, National Centre for Cell Science, Pune.

Chemical Sciences

1.       Dr Charusita chakravarty, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi.
2.       Dr Narayanaswamy Jayaraman, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.

Earth, Atmosphere, Ocean & Planetary Sciences

1.       Dr S K Satheesh, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.

Engineering Sciences

1.     Dr Giridhar Madras, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
2.     Dr Jayant Ramaswamy Haritsa, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.

Mathematical Sciences

1.     Dr Venapally Suresh, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad

Medical Sciences

1.     Dr Santosh Gajanan Honavar, L V Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad

Physical Sciences

1.     Dr Rajesh Gopakumar, Harish-Chandra research Institute, Allahabad
2.     Dr Abhishek Dhar, Raman Research Institute, Bangalore

The Bhatnagar Prizes are given to scientists below 45 years of age, for their outstanding scientific contributions made primarily in India during the last 5 years preceding the year of the Prize. The SSB Prize comprises a citation, a plaque and a cash award of Rs.5,00,000/- (Rupees five lakh only), and are given to the recipients by the Prime Minister of India.

Friday, September 25, 2009

The ABC of N-subs

A LARGE number of "experts" have written numerous articles after India's strategic nuclear submarine, Arihant, was launched on July 26, 2009 by Mrs Gursharan Kaur, wife of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Also, nuclear scientists proudly unveiled the "half boat", or the shore-based miniaturised nuclear reactor, at Kalpakkam on July 29, 2009.

Earlier, in February 2008, the Defence Research and Development Organisation made an unprecedented announcement in the press about the testing of an SLBM (submarine launched ballastic missile).
In my opinion, the unnecessary publicity given to these three events should have been avoided.
The nation -- in keeping with worldwide practice -- should have announced only the commissioning, post-successful sea and weapon trials of the Arihant, which is the first in its class.

Unfortunately, in a hurry to get individual achievements lauded, a lot of premature and needless publicity was given. Hopefully, this project will fructify as planned, without the recent "fizzle" controversy surrounding our 1998 thermonuclear test.

This article tries to explain, in simple terms, the unclassified, but misunderstood mysteries of a nuclear submarine.

Let us begin with the miniaturised reactor (known as PWR or pressurised water reactor, similar to the light water reactors, being imported for civilian power plants after the Indo-US nuclear deal of 2008).
Common sense dictates that a submarine crew living, eating and working within 20 to 50 metres of the submarine reactor needs to be "safe" from radioactive materials, that is, alpha and beta particles and gamma radiation. Hence, the submarine reactor must be safe, simple, rugged and capable of operating in all situations that a nuclear submarine encounters on surface and underwater.

Secondly, it must be silent. This stealth is achieved by ensuring that the number of pumps, specially the PHT pumps (primary heat transfer pumps), that re-circulate the "closed" first loop radioactive water between the reactor core and the steam boilers, are reduced to a minimum or, in some cases, not used at low submarine speeds by having a "convection system" which does the work of the PHT pumps.
Till the '70s, nuclear submarines used two reactors, each with steam boilers and PHT pumps for redundancy though these added to the radiated noise.

But once reactor reliability was established, most advanced nations now use a single reactor for more silent operations. Theoretically, a single reliable PWR reactor, with a single steam boiler and a single PHT pump, would produce the least noise.

The second issue mentioned by "experts" is the reactor life and how the Americans have been operating their ninth generation submarine reactors with 25-year life spans, as compared to the rest of the world. Our "experts" should remember that the world's first nuclear submarine, the American USS Nautilius, had a reactor core life of only two years. There is no doubt that the Americans are 50 years ahead of India in this regard, but we must understand that a safe submarine reactor requires a combination of metallurgy and enriched Uranium-235 (U-235) to achieve longer reactor life. And this data is a closely-guarded secret for obvious reasons.

Some articles in the Indian media, about using 80 to 93 per cent enriched U-235 in a submarine reactor core, are incorrect.

This use of weapon grade U-235, may, under some emergent situations, "convert" a reactor into a fission bomb by making the transition from "critical" to "super critical" stage during operations.
We should be happy that our scientists have made a submarine reactor (irrespective of whether it is a few generations behind the Americans and Russians). The important thing here is to see how the reactor operates in harbour and sea trials. Based on this initial experience, improvements can be made to the life and stealth qualities of this reactor.

The third issue mentioned by the "experts" is the reactor power and why we need an SSBN to have higher reactor power to transit at a speed of 30 knots.

Reactor power, as indicated, is thermal and not electrical (eg 100 MW is 100 megawatts of thermal power). Most SSBNs need a transit speed of below 20 knots since their task is to avoid contact with enemy warships and submarines and launch their SLBMs when ordered in a second strike.

Given our geographical location vis-à-vis our two nuclear-armed adversaries, an SSBN with a speed of 20 to 24 knots, but with SLBMs of about 5,000-km range, should suffice. It should be noted that SSNs (or tactical nuclear attack submarines), which are required to search and sink enemy warships and submarines, would need higher speeds (over 30 knots, which, depending on the SSN size, would require a single reactor of 160 to 200 MW or two reactors, each of about 80 to 100 MW).

There are a few other factors which decide submarine stealth -- improved shock mounts, "rafting" (where the reactor and machinery are not in direct contact with the pressure hull), hydrodynamic hull shape, skewed propellers or the new pump jet propulsion system, "static" electrical machinery, anechoic tiling, silent weapon and garbage discharge systems among others). Similarly, greater diving depths are a combination of metallurgy, pressure hull thickness and frame spacing (steel frames are the inner skeletons which, along with the keel, provide support to the pressure hull.

For example, an expensive titanium-hulled submarine can dive to twice the depth of a modern steel-hulled submarine.

Also, in the case of two "similar" steel-hulled submarines, the one with a thicker pressure hull and "closer, thicker frame spacing" would dive deeper, but would pay a penalty in loss of some speed.
Diving depths of submarines are a closely guarded secret, as are noise figures and weapon-firing depths. A nuclear submarine also needs a system to generate oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide and other gases to enable human beings to live and operate in demanding conditions underwater. Production of drinkable sea water and the ability to get rid of garbage (food and human waste) are equally important and technologically demanding.

Our scientists and the Navy personnel involved in work on the Arihant have indeed achieved a major milestone. However, much more needs to be done, and I hope it is done without any unwise and unnecessary publicity.

In addition, India now also needs to begin work on a faster, deeper-diving SSN (tactical nuclear attack submarine) to provide its Navy with a major sea denial capability in the vast expanses of the Indian Ocean.
This SSN will require a single 160 to 200 MW reactor and improved stealth and complex metallurgy. We are beginners in the field of nuclear submarines and have a lot of catching up to do before we start celebrating. VICE-ADMIRAL ARUN KUMAR SINGH retired as Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief of the Eastern Naval Command, Visakhapatnam

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Indian payload helped M3 detect water

An indigenously developed payload (scientific instrument), the Hyper-Spectral Imager (HySI) on board Chandrayaan-1, provided inputs towards detecting water on the lunar surface, Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) spokesperson S. Satish said.

A “combination” of data from the Moon Mineralogy Mapper or M3 (developed by NASA) and HySI (developed by ISRO) assisted the scientific team in establishing the presence and location of water molecules on the moon, Mr. Satish added. The two payloads were among 11 carried by the Indian mission.

According to a statement released by ISRO on Thursday night, HySI, which covers the wavelength region of 0.4 to 0.9 micron, “has also provided additional data in this regard [and] helped in a better understanding of moon’s mineral composition.” Analysis of data from other instruments on board Chandrayaan-1 is in progress, the press release added.

भारत ने बनाया नया परमाणु संयंत्र

भारतीय परमाणु ऊर्जा आयोग के प्रमुख अनिल काकोदकर ने अंतरराष्ट्रीय परमाणु ऊर्जा संघ के सम्मेलन में घोषणा की है कि भारत ने एक नया परमाणु उर्जा संयंत्र बनाया है.
अनील काकोदकर ने कहा है कि भारत ने 300 मेगावाट की क्षमता वाला एडवांस हेवीवॉटर रिएक्टर बनाया है जो ईंधन के लिए कम दर्जे के साथ थोरियम का इस्तेमाल करता है.

जहां तक थोरियम टेक्नॉलॉजी का सवाल है भारत में इसके विकास के लिए पिछले लगभग पचास वर्षों से काम चल रहा है और वो इसमें दुनिया में सबसे आगे गिना जाता है.

दुनिया के ज़्यादातर परमाणु रिएक्टर ईंधन के लिए यूरेनियम या प्लूटोनियम का इस्तेमाल करते हैं जबकि भारत के नए रिएक्टर का मुख्य ईँधन थोरियम है.

थोरियम भारत में बड़ी मात्रा में उपलब्ध है जबकि यूरेनियम के लिए भारत कई दूसरे देशों पर निर्भर है.
ज़ाहिर सी बात है कि एडवांस हेवी वॉटर रिएक्टर के विकास से भारत को अपनी ऊर्जा ज़रूरतों को पूरा करने में तो मदद मिलेगी ही लेकिन वो यह तकनीक अन्य विकासशील देशों को भी बेच सकता है.

थोरियम आधारित संयंत्र

भारत पहले ही 220 मैगावाट की क्षमता वाला थोरियम ईंधन पर आधारित रिएक्टर बना चुका है.
साइंस पत्रिका के भारत में पत्रकार और विज्ञान संबंधी मामलों के जानकार पल्लव बागला का कहना है, ''आने वाले दस वर्षों में भारत दुनिया के छोटे देशों को यह परमाणु संयत्र बेचने का इरादा रखता है.''

220 मेगावाट वाले रिएक्टरों के संबंध में कज़ाकस्तान और वियतनाम जैसे देशों को रूचि है लेकिन 300 मेगावाट वाले जिस रिएक्टर की घोषणा अनिल काकोडकर ने की है वो ज्यादा आधुनिक है और उसके निर्यात से पहले देखना होगा कि वो भारत में कितना सफल होता है.

पिछले साल भारत में अमरीका के साथ की गई परमाणु संधि को लेकर विवाद इस कदर बढ गया था कि यूपीए सरकार के बने रहने पर ही संकट छा गया था.

सवाल यह है कि जब भारत थोरियम पर आधारित परमाणु रिएक्टर विकसित कर चुका है तो फिर भारत को यूरेनियम पर आधारित रिएक्टर टेक्नोलॉजी पाने के लिए यह विवाद मोल लेने की क्या ज़रूरत थी.

1998 में भारत के परमाणु परीक्षणों में शामिल रहे वैज्ञानिक के संथनम कहते हैं, '' भारत इस मामले में दूरदर्शिता से काम ले रहा है और यह अच्छा कार्यक्रम है. भारत दो दिशाओं में इसलिए काम कर रहा है क्योंकि भारत को नज़दीकी भविष्य में अपनी ऊर्जा की ज़रूरत के लिए यूरेनियम आधारित रिएक्टरों की आवश्यकता है. लेकिन दूरगामी हितों को देखें तो भारत को परमाणु उर्जा में आत्म निर्भरता के लिए थोरियम पर आधारित रिएक्टर बनाने और उस टेक्नॉलॉजी का विकास करने की ज़रूरत है.''

के संथनम परमाणु ऊर्जा आयोग के प्रमुख अनिल काकोदकर की इस दलील से भी सहमत हैं कि एडवांस हेवी वॉटर रिएक्टर में इस्तेमाल किए गए यूरेनियम सामग्री से हथियार बनाना भी मुश्किल होगा. अगर यह सही साबित होता है तो परमाणु अप्रसार के लिए कोशिश कर रहे देशों की चिंताएं भी कम होंगी.

एड्स के ख़िलाफ़ अहम सफलता

वैज्ञानिकों का कहना है कि उन्होंने एक ऐसा टीका बना लिया है जो एड्स फैलानेवाले वायरस एचआईवी के ख़तरे को तीस प्रतिशत कम कर देगा.
थाईलैंड में अपनी इच्छा से आगे आए सोलह हज़ार लोगों पर इस टीके का परीक्षण किया गया है और इस पूरे कार्यक्रम के लिए पैसा अमरीकी सेना की तरफ़ से दिया गया.

एड्स के क्षेत्र में काम करनेवाले कई जानकारों ने इसे एक ऐतिहासिक मील का पत्थर बताया है.

वैसे तो ये टीका फ़ौरन ही दुकानों या अस्पतालों में पहुंच जाएगा ऐसा होता हुआ नहीं दिख रहा लेकिन इतने ज़्यादा लोगों पर पहली बार इस तरह का परीक्षण हुआ है और पहली बार सही मायने में उम्मीद जगी है कि एड्स का एक संपूर्ण टीका बनाया जा सकता है.

पूरी दुनिया में तीन करोड़ तीस लाख लोग एचआईवी से ग्रस्त हैं.

अबतक दवाओं से लोगों को कुछ राहत मिली है लेकिन पहली बार एक टीका बना है जो इसे रोक सके.
यहां तक पहुंचने में भी वैज्ञानिकों को सात साल लगे हैं.
वैसे तो इसकी शब्दावली काफ़ी जटिल है लेकिन आसान ज़ुबान में यही कहा जा सकता है कि ये टीका एचआईवी के संक्रमण के ख़तरे को कम करने में 31.2 प्रतिशत कारगर है.
थाईलैंड में हुए एक संवाददाता सम्मेलन में कहा गया कि ये टीका पूरी तरह कारगर तो नहीं है लेकिन सही दिशा में उठाया गया एक महत्वपूर्ण कदम है.
लैंसेट मेडिकल जरनल के संपादक डॉ रिचर्ड हर्टन कि इस टीके की खोज काफ़ी उत्साहजनक है और इससे कुछ शंकाओं के साथ ही सही लेकिन उम्मीद बढ़ती है.
इस टीके से दुनिया भर में चल रहे उन शोधों को भी मदद मिलेगी जहां कोशिशें चल रही हैं एक पूरी तरह से कारगर टीका बनाने की.

Scientist Watch

Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam, current p...Image via Wikipedia


Abdul Kalam, Dr A.P.J.: is credited with advancement of missile technology in India. He was honoured with Bharat Ratna award on November 26, 1997. He is known as “father of India’s Missile Technology”. Elected 11th President of India.

Alvares, Luis W.: is an American physicist teaching at the University of California, Berkeley, U.S.A. He won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1968 for an important breakthrough he made in elementary physics in 1960 when he discovered a new resonance particle—a discovery that shattered the then prevailing notions as to how matter was built.

Anfinsen, Dr Christian B.: of the U.S.A.’s National Institute of Health, Bethseda, Maryland was one of the three co-winners of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 1972.

Archimedes: Greek mathematician (born in Sicily) who lived about 250 B.C. is known for the discovery of the Archimedes’ principle viz., The volume of any insoluble solid can be found by noting its loss of weight when immersed in water. He is also credited with the invention of Archimedean Screw, a cylindrical device for raising water.

Arrow, Kenneth, J.: of Harvard University, U.S.A. is co-winner of the Nobel Prize for Economics, 1972 with Sir John Richard Hicks of Oxford University. The two men are known for their pioneering contributions to general economic equilibrium and welfare theories.

Aryabhatta: (A.D. 476-520) after whom India’s first scientific satellite has been named, was a great Indian astronomer and mathematician. Among his important contributions are the recognition of the importance of the mov ement of the earth round the sun, determination of the physical parameters of various celestial bodies, such as diameter of the earth and the moon. He laid the foundations of algebra and was responsible for pointing out importance of “zero”.

Avogadro, Amedeo: (1776-1856) Italian physicist; founder of Avogadro’s hypothesis: “Equal volumes of all gases under similar conditions of temperature and pressure, contain equal  number of molecules.” He also defined a molecule.

Bardeen, Prof John: of the University of Illinois (U.S.A.) is co-winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics, 1972 (with Prof Leon N. Cooper and Prof John Robert Schrieffer) for researches into the “theory of super-conductivity” usually called the BCS theory.

Barnard, Christian: South African surgeon who shot into world news in December 1967 when he completed the first heart transplant operation on Louis Washkansky.

Beadle, Dr G.: American scientist awarded Nobel Prize for medicine in 1958 for his work concerning the actual basis of heredity—the way in which characteristics are transmitted from one generation to another.

Becquerel, Henri: (1852-1908) French physicist known for his discovery in 1896 of Becquerel rays, the first indications of radio-activity; these rays were later named gamma rays. He shared Nobel Prize for Physics with the Curies in 1903.

Berzelius, J.J: (1779-1848) Swedish Chemist, known for introduction of chemical shorthand symbols and atomic weights.

Bessemer, Sir Henry: (1813-1898) English engineer. He invented the process for the manufacture of steel known after his name.

Bhabha, Dr H.J.: (1909-66) Indian scientist. He published important papers on Cosmic Rays and Quantum Theory. He was professor at the Indian Science Institute, Bangalore; Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission; Director, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research; President, Indian Science Congress in 1951 and presided at the Atoms for Peace Conference held at Geneva in 1956. He had many significant researches in structure of atom and contributed largely to the setting up of atomic reactors at Trombay (Mumbai).

Bhagvantam, Dr S.: is an eminent Indian scientist who has made a rich contribution to research in radio astronomy and cosmic rays. He has published more than 150 research papers and several books. He retired in October 1969 as the Scientific Adviser to the Ministry of Defence, and Director General of the Defence Research Development Organisation. He is an old-time associate of Sir C.V. Raman.

Bhaskaracharya: Born in A.D. 1114, he was almost the last great Hindu mathematician and astronomer until modern times. He wrote Sidhanta-Siromani in 1150  which consisted of two mathematical and two astronomical parts. Bhaskara anticipated the modern theory on the convention of signs (minus by minus makes plus, minus by plus makes minus). He also anticipated Kepler’s method for determining the surface and volume of sphere.

Bhatnagar, Dr Shanti Swarup: (1895-1955) great Indian scientist. He was Director of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (C.S.I.R.). A chain of National Laboratories has been established in the country due to his able organisation and unbounded energy.

Bohr, Neils: (born 1885) Danish Physicist. He was awarded Nobel Prize for Physics in 1922. He greatly extended the theory of atomic structure of devising an atomic model in 1913 and evolving theory of nuclear structure; assisted America in atom bomb research.

Borlaug, Norman Ernest: American agricultural scientist and winner of the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1970. He was one of those who laid the groundwork of the Green Revolution.

Bose, Sir J.C.: (1858-1937) Eminent Indian physicist and Botanist; founder of Bose Research Institute, Calcutta. Inventor of crescograph which is used to magnify movements made by plants.
Bose, S.N.: Eminent Indian scientist who won fame by expounding the Bose-Einstein theory, which is concerned in detection of a group of nuclear particles—named after him ‘Boson’ in recognition of his contribution to the subject; contributed to Plank’s law. Professor of physics, Calcutta University; nominated member to the Council of States. Awarded Padma Vibhushan in 1954. He died on February 4, 1974.

Boyle, Robert: (1627-1691) Irish natural philosopher; one of the founders of modern chemistry and Boyle’s law: “Temperature remaining constant, volume of a given mass of gas varies inversely as its pressure.”

Bragg, Sir William: (1862-1942) British physicist known for researches on the behaviour of crystals with regard to X-rays incident upon them. Author of the book: “Atomic Structure of Minerals”.

Cavendish, Henry: (1731-1810) English physicist and chemist; he discovered properties of hydrogen in 1766 and identified it as an element.

Chadwick, Sir James: (1891-1974) British physicist. He discovered the particle in an atomic nucleus which became known as the neutron, because it has no electric charge.

Chandrasekhar, Dr Subramanian: He was a scientist of Indian origin settled in the U.S.A., who shared the 1983  Nobel Prize for physics with an American, William Fowler. He was one of the most outstanding astrophysicist of the world.
His theory of stellar evolution—the birth and death of stars—is more than 30 years old. When he first propounded his finding that old stars just collapse and disappear in the light of denser stars of low light, the world’s top-flight astronomers laughed at him and rejected his theory. A disappointed Dr Chandrasekhar left Trinity, Cambridge, to pursue his research in the University of Chicago. Over the next two decades the “Chandrasekhar Limit” became an intrinsic part of text-books on advanced astrophysics. Global recognition and awards poured in, and the 1983 Nobel Prize tops a remarkable career spanning almost half a century.

Charak: (c.A.D. 80-180) was a court physician to Kushan king Kanishka. His writings are invaluable in the study of Hindu medicine.

Charles, Jacques Alexander Cesar: (1746-1823) a French scientist of great repute. He was the first to make a balloon ascension with hydrogen. He is known for his work on the effect of temperature on the volume of gases.

Clarke, Arthur C.: He is known for his suggestion of the concept of Geostationary Orbit.

Clark Maxwell, James: (1831-79) British physicist. His theoretical work prepared the way for wireless telegraphy and telephony. His principal works include: Perception of Colour, Colour Blindness, Theory of Heat, Electricity and Magnetism, Matter and Motion.

Claude, Albert: is a biologist of Luxembourg who shared the 1974 Nobel Prize in Medicine. His field of research relates to causes and treatment of cancer.

Columbus, Christopher: (1446-1506) A well-known Italian navigator set out on his first voyage in 1492; he discovered West Indies Islands, Cuba and Bahamas; he also discovered South America in 1498.

Cooper, Leon N.: Of the Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island (U.S.A.) was one of the three co-winners of the Nobel Prize in Physics, 1972 for researches into the theory of super-conductivity.

Copernicus: (1413-1543) A prominent astronomer of Poland who discovered the “Solar System”.

Cornforth, John Warcup: co-winner of the 1975 Nobel Prize in Chemistry is a deaf professor. He is an Australian living in England. His chief distinction is mapping out the formation of cholesterols which he calls “a great discovery” and contains the key to, for instance, sex hormones.

Curie, Madame Marie: (1867-1934) Polish physicist and chemist; famous for her discovery of radium was awarded Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1911 and shared Nobel Prize in physics in 1903 with her husband and Becquerel.

Dalton, John: (1766-1844) British scientist. He was founder of the Atomic Theory and law of Multiple Proportions.

Darwin, Charles: (1809-82) was the British scientist who discovered the principle of natural selection. His famous work is “The Origin of Species”.

Davy, Sir Humphrey: (1771-1829) British chemist. First to apply electric current for the isolation of metals. Studied anaesthetic action of nitrous oxide, properties of chlorine and alkali metals.

Debreu, Gerard: Gerard Debreu of the University of California at Berkeley, who has been awarded the 1983 Nobel memorial prize in economics is known for his research on market equilibrium in which he “incorporated new analytical methods into economic theory”.
Mr Debreu has expanded on a mathematical model designed by the two men in the early 1950s that confirmed the logic of Adam Smith’s “theory of general equilibrium” in which prices supply and demand tend to reach a balance within a free market economy.

Delbrueck, Dr Max: is a German-born American doctor working at the California Institute of Technology. He was one of the three American co-winners of the Nobel Prize for Medicine, 1969 for discoveries in molecular genetics.

De Vries: is known for Mutation theory.

Dhanvantri: a great physician during the reign of Chandragupta Vikramaditya (375-413 A.D.).

Dhawan, Prof Satish: He is former Chairman of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). Under his dynamic leadership India entered Space Age by launching “Aryabhata”, a scientific satellite, into space on April 19, 1975.

Edelman, Dr Gerald Maurice: of U.S.A. is co-winner of the Nobel Prize for Medicine, 1972. He is known for researches into the chemical structure of blood-proteins or antibodies which shield the human body against infection. He shared the prize with Dr Rodney Robert Porter of Oxford. The two Nobel-laureates were able to break the  giant molecules formed by antibodies into their component sections.

Edison, Thomas Alva: (1847-1931) American inventor of Dutch-Scottish parentage. He started life as a newsboy and then a telegraph operator. His inventions include: phonograph, the incandescent lamp, a new type of storage battery, an early form of cinematography etc.

Einstein, Prof Albert: (1879-1955) was German-Swiss world-famous scientist known for his theory of relativity. He was awarded Nobel Prize for his work on photoelectric effect.

Faraday, Michael: (1791-1867) An eminent English scientist; showed great prominence in the field of electromagnetism; discovered the laws of electrolysis and wrote a number of useful books on the subject.

Fleming, Alexander: (1881-1955) British bacteriologist. His notable discovery was lysozyme (1922), followed by penicillin (1929)—an antibiotic drug.

Fleming, Sir John Ambrose: (1849-1945) British physicist and engineer who was pioneer in the development of the telephone, electric light and radio.

Fraunhofer: German physicist. He gained prominence on the researches of ‘Light’ while performing spectrum-analysis of Sunlight; he discovered the spectrum to be crossed with some indifferent black lines. And the lines are so named as Fraunhofer Lines.

Freud, Sigmund: (1856-1939) originator of psycho-analysis, born of Jewish parents. Works: The Interpretation of Dreams; The Psychopathology of Every-day Life; The Ego and the Id; Civilization and Its Discontents.

Gabor, Dr Dennis: Who won the 1971 Nobel Prize award for Physics is a 71-year old British electrical engineer working as a scientist in the U.S.A. He was cited for his “invention in development of the holographic method”—three dimensional photography. Dr Gabor was the 16th Briton to have won the Nobel Prize in Physics. He was born and educated in Hungary. He later worked as research engineer in Germany and came to join the staff of the Imperial College in London in 1949. He invented holography in the late forties. But the science became fully developed with the coming of the laser in 1960. A holographic image is so lifelike that a viewer can see around things in a holograph by moving his head just as he looks around the real object.

Galileo: (1564-1642) Italian scientist. He was professor of mathematics. His view that all falling bodies, great or small, descend with equal velocity, made him unpopular with the orthodox scientists. He improved telescope and with it was the first man to see the satellites of Jupiter.

Gell-Mann, Prof Murray: was the recipient of the 1969 Nobel Prize for Physics. He is a teacher in the California Institute of Technology. Born in New York in 1929, Prof Gell-Mann has been the leading theorist in elementary particle research for the last 15 years. He was the 28th American to be awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in which the U.S.A. now leads. The Nobel Prize was given to him for “his classification of elementary particles and their interactions”.

Goddard, Robert H.: was an American who mentioned the possibility of shooting a rocket to the moon in a paper entitled “A Method of Reaching Extreme Altitudes” published by him in 1919. By 1926 he had put some of his ideas into practice. He is looked upon as one of the pioneers of space research.

Graham, Thomas: (1805-1914) Scottish chemist called the “father of colloidal chemistry”. He did remarkable work on diffusion of substances in solution.

Heisenberg: is known for his theory of Uncertainty Principle.

Hahn, Otto: was a German pioneer of nuclear research. He won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1944. It was Hahn who had proved in 1938 that atomic fission can be achieved by bombarding uranium with neutrons. The discovery revolutionised atomic science.

Hall, Charles Martin: (1863-1914) American chemist who discovered the modern method of extraction of aluminium by electrolysis of bauxite in 1886.

Harvey, William: (1578-1675) English physician who discovered the circulation of blood.

Herzberg, Dr Gehard: has been awarded the 1971 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, for his researches in atomic and molecular structures, particularly free radicals. He is the first Canadian to win a Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

Holley, Robert: Co-winner of the Nobel Prize for Medicine, 1968, belongs to Cornell. His researches into the genetic code and its function in building protein led to the discovery of the complete structure of a transfer RNA molecule and the way it works.

Hopkins, Sir Frederick Gowland: He was an eminent English biochemist famous for his important work on proteins and vitamins. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine in 1929 for the discovery of Vitamin D.

Hoyle, Fred: is a British scientist and science-fiction writer who won the £ 1,000 Kalinga Prize in 1968.

Jenner, Edward: (1749-1823) Eminent English physician who discovered the vaccination system of alleviating small pox.

Josephson, Dr Brian: is a British scientist who co-shared the 1973 Nobel Prize for physics for “his theoretical predictions of the properties of a super-current through a tunnel barrier, in particular those phenomena which are generally known as Josephson effects”.

Joshi, Prof S.S.: He has done commendable work on physical and chemical reactions under electric discharge on active nitrogen; colloids; hydrogen peroxide; permanganates and  a phenomenon called “Joshi Effect”.

Joule, James Prescott: (1874-1937) a great English physicist who first demonstrated that mechanical energy can be converted into heat.

Kepler, Johannes: (1571-1630) German astronomer. He discovered 3 laws of planetary motion that bear his name viz., (1) The orbit of each planet is an ellipse with the sun at one of the foci; (2) the Radius vector of each planet describes equal areas in equal times; (3) The squares of the periods of the planets are proportional to the cubes of their mean distances from the sun.
Kepler had evolved a set of laws governing man in space with rare prescience. In a kind of allegory, he referred to the dangers of solar radiation, the need to overcome gravitational resistance, gravitational capture of spacecraft by the moon etc. What he wrote nearly 360 years ago was, however, little understood and his family was persecuted for it. His mother had to die in jail having been condemned as a witch.

Khorana Hargobind: who shared with two others the 1968 Nobel Prize for Medicine is an Indian by birth and an American by domicile. He deciphered the genetic code and later created an artificial gene.

Krishnan, Dr K.S.: (born 1898) collaborated with Sir C.V. Raman in the discovery of “Raman Effect”. President, Indian Science Congress, 1949; delegate to several international scientific conferences; Director, National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi.

Lavoisier, A.L.: (1743-1794) French chemist; established law of Indestructibility of Matter, Composition of Water and Air.

Lister, Joseph: (1827-1912) British surgeon. He was the first to use antiseptic treatment for wounds; introduced antiseptic surgery.

Lodge, Sir Oliver Joseph: (1851-1940) British physicist. He is chiefly known for his researches on radiation, and the relation between matter and ether.

Lovell, Sir Bernard: He is professor of Radio-Astronomy in the University of Manchester and is also Director of the Jodrell Bank Observatory. He remains very much in the news for tracking space-ships.

Lysenko: Author of Agro-biology, Lysenko gained fame as a Soviet geneticist. In 1948, he declared the Mendelian theory obsolete and erroneous.

Marconi: (1873-1937) Italian scientist; pioneer in wireless telegraphy and radio.

Max Planck: He was a German theoretical physicist who formulated the quantum theory which revolutionized physics. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1918.

Mendel, Johann Gregory: (1822-84) Austrian monk and naturalist whose discovery of certain principles of inheritance (heredity) is of deep significance in the study of biology.

Mendeleef, D.I.: (1834-1901) a Russian chemist, founder of periodic law and famous for the development of petroleum and other industries in Russia.

Meyer, Victor: (1848-1897) discovered a method to determine the molecular weights of volatile substances.

Morley, Edward William: (1818-1923) American chemist and physicist best known for his work in determining the composition of water by weight.

Moseley, Henry G.: (1887-1915) British physicist who did valuable work on atomic structure, and in 1913, devised the series of atomic numbers.

Nagarjuna: the renowned chemist of Buddhist era whose works are mostly preserved in  China and Tibet. A great Philosopher and Chemist. He makes a mention of crucibles, distillation stills, sublimation, colouring process, alloying of metals, extraction of copper and use of many metallic oxides in medicines. About chemistry he said, “As long as the science of chemistry prevails, let hunger, pain and poverty not torment men.”

Nag-Chowdhury, B.D.: an eminent Indian nuclear physicist, known all over the world.

Narlikar, J.V.: Indian scientist; co-author of Hoyle-Narlikar Theory of continuous creation. The theory of which he is co-author has been hailed as supplying some important missing links in Einstein’s theory of Relativity. The new theory of gravitation propounded by both the scientists, Narlikar and Hoyle, shows that gravitation is always attractive and there is no gravitational repulsions.

Newton, Sir Isaac: (1642-1727) was the British natural philosopher. He discovered binomial theorem; the differential and integral calculus. He expounded the universal law of gravitation. He is author of Principia Mathematica.

Nirenberg, Dr Marshall: is a U.S. molecular biologist who shared the 1968 Nobel Prize for Medicine with Dr Robert Holley and Dr Hargobind Khorana. Nirenberg is the author of a very simple but ingenious experiment which helped a great deal in clarifying the general character of the genetic code.

Oberth, Hermann: is a Rumanian-German Professor who is credited with establishing the experimental basis of modern rocketry. In 1923, the publication of his book, “The Rocket into Interplanetary Space” aroused great interest in space travel.

Ohm, George Simon: (1787-1854) physicist and mathematician; discovered the law known as Ohm’s Law.

Onsager, Lars: is a U.S. Professor who became a Nobel laureate in 1968 by winning the prize for Chemistry “for the discovery of the reciprocal relations bearing his name which are fundamental for the thermo-dynamics of irreversible processes”.

Paraceisus: (1493-1541) a Swiss mystic and chemist. He was the first to employ laudanum and antimony in Pharmacy.

Parson, Sir Charles: (1854-1931) British  engineer;  inventor of Parson steam turbine.

Pasteur, Louis: (1822-95) He was a French chemist who discovered the causes of fermentation in alcohol and milk and founded the Pasteur Institute in 1888. He made researches in silkworm disease, anthrax, and hydrophobia.

Pauling, Linus: American bio-chemist. He applied the quantum theory to chemistry and was awarded Nobel Prize (1954) for his contribution to the electrochemical theory of valency.

Porter, Dr Rodney Robert: is Professor of Biochemistry in Oxford University. Dr Porter is known for his discoveries relating to the chemical structure of antibodies.

Priestley, Joseph: (1733-1804) British Chemist; discovered oxygen and methods of collecting gases.

Pythagoras: is known as the father of Geometry.

Rainwater, James: of the U.S.A. who co-shared the 1975 Nobel Prize in Physics is known for the development of the theory that atomic nucleus is not always spherical but can also be egg-shaped which has no immediate practical meaning but is extremely essential to scientists.

Ramanna, Dr Raja: former Director of Bhabha Atomic Research Centre at Trombay. He was one of the Indian scientists associated with staging India’s first nuclear blast at Pokhran on May 18, 1974.

Raman, Sir C.V.: (1888-1970) Eminent Indian Scientist (F.R.S.) National Professor of Physics and founder Director of Raman Research Institute, Bangalore. He was awarded Nobel Prize for his discovery of ‘Raman Effect’ (Feb 28, 1928). His work on study of crystal structure is of unique importance. Feb 28 is celebrated every year as National Science Day.

Ramanujan, Srinivas: (1887-1920) Indian mathematician who contributed to the theory of numbers, theory of partitions, and the theory of continued fractions.

Ramsay, Sir William: (1852-1916) English chemist who discovered helium and later on neon, argon in collaboration with Rayleigh and others. He was awarded Nobel Prize in 1904.
Rao, Prof U. Ramachandra: is the Director of Indian Scientific Satellite Project (ISSP) at Peenya near Bangalore.

Ray, Sir P.C.: (1861-1944) founder of Indian Chemical Society and Bengal Chemical and Pharmaceutical Works Ltd., and author of ‘Hindu Chemistry’. His work about nitrous acid and its salts deserves special mention.

Richards, T.W.: He was Prof of Chemistry at Harvard University in U.S.A. He did notable  work in the accurate determination of atomic weights and was awarded Nobel Prize in 1916.

Roger Bacon: (1214-1294) He was inventor of Gun Powder and founder of experimental science; man of remarkable gifts and inventive power.

Rontgen, W. Konrad: (1845-1923) German physicist. He discovered X-rays, also called Rontgen rays. He was awarded the first Nobel Prize in 1901 for discovery of X-Rays.

Ross, Ronald: (1857-1932) leading British physician who discovered the cause of Malaria; awarded Nobel Prize for medicine in 1902.

Rutherford, Daniel: (1749-1819) a Scottish scientist who is given the credit for the discovery of nitrogen.

Rutherford, Lord: (1871-1937) won a Nobel Prize for his work on structure of atom and radio-activity.

Ryle, Sir Martin: of the U.K. who shared the 1974 Nobel Prize in Physics is known for the development of “aperture synthesis” technique designed to identify stellar objects through radio signals.

Saha, Dr Meghnad: (1893-1956) late Palit Prof of Physics, University College of Science and Technology, Calcutta University—well known for his researches in nuclear physics, cosmic rays, spectrum analysis and other branches of theoretical physics.

Sanger, Dr Frederik: British scientist awarded Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1958 for his work in determining the composition of the insulin molecule. By his discovery he has put science a step forward towards knowing how disease attacks the human body. In 1980, he became only the fourth person ever to be awarded a second Nobel Prize.

Sarabhai, Dr Vikram A.: former Chairman of India’s Atomic Energy Commission and the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) died on December 30, 1971. Dr Sarabhai was an eminent physicist mainly interested in the astrophysical implications of Cosmic Ray Time Variations.

Sen, P.K. (Dr): is the Indian surgeon who performed Asia’s first heart transplant operation in Mumbai.

Simpson, Sir James Young: (1811-70) British physicist who was largely instrumental in the introduction of chloroform as an anaesthetic in 1847.

Soddy, Frederick: (1877-1956) British physical chemist. He was a pioneer of research into atomic disintegration. He coined the term “isotopes”;  did classic work on radioactivity.

Solvay, Earnest: (1838-1922) Belgian chemist known for devising a process known after his name for manufacture of sodium carbonate.

Susruta: was a fourth century Hindu surgeon and physician. He wrote an important  book on medicine and also a thesis on the medical properties of garlic.

Sutherland, Dr Earl W.: was the recipient of the Nobel Prize for Medicine, 1971.  He is credited with the discovery that the hormones in the human body produce another substance known as cyclic A.M.P., which activates them and controls the body’s cells. He has demonstrated that changes in the level of cyclic A.M.P. in the body can influence its disease-resisting capacity. This discovery opens up new vistas for the development of drugs that can treat diseases which have so far been regarded as incurable.

Teller, Edward (Dr): is a U.S. nuclear scientist who has played a major role in developing the hydrogen bomb. He is in fact known as the “father of the H-bomb”.

Thomson, Sir J.J.: (1856-1940) British physicist. He discovered the electron which inaugurated the electrical theory of the  atom. He is regarded as the founder of modern physics.

Tsiolkovsky: was a Russian teacher who in 1903 published a  treatise presenting remarkably accurate calculations on rocket dynamics and space-travel. He is looked upon as the earliest among the pioneers who laid the foundations of space exploration. The Russians call him the “Father of Rocketry”.

Varahmihira: (505-587) was a distinguished Indian astronomer, mathematician and philosopher. He was one of the nine gems of the court of king Vikramaditya.

Verne, Jules: (1828-1905) French science-fiction writer was author of “From the Earth to the Moon” published in 1865. The book carried a more or less accurate prediction of the launching and flight of Apollo-8.

Volta, A.: (1745-1827) Italian physicist and pioneer of electrical science; invented voltaic pile, the electrophorus and electroscope. The volt is named after him.

Voronoff, S.: Russian scientist best known for his method of preventing or delaying senility by grafting healthy animal glands, into the human body.

Watson and Crick: known for DNA double helix.

Watson-Watt, Sir Robert: British physicist. He developed radar.

Watt, James: (1736-1819) was Scottish engineer. He invented steam engine.

Yukawa, Dr H.: (born 1907) predicted a new particle meson which holds the protons and neutrons of the atomic nucleus. He is the first Japanese to win the Nobel Prize in Physics (1949).

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Greenland, Antarctica ice melt worsening, confirms Nasa

New satellite information shows that ice sheets in Greenland and western Antarctica continue to shrink faster than scientists thought and in some places are already in runaway melt mode.

British scientists for the first time calculated changes in the height of the vulnerable but massive ice sheets and found them especially worse at their edges. That's where warmer water eats away from below. In some parts of Antarctica, ice sheets have been losing 30 feet a year in thickness since 2003, according to a paper published online in the journal Nature.

Some of those areas are about a mile thick, so they've still got plenty of ice to burn through. But the drop in thickness is speeding up. In parts of Antarctica, the yearly rate of thinning from 2003 to 2007 is 50 per cent higher than it was from 1995 to 2003.

These new measurements, based on 50 million laser readings from a Nasa satellite, confirm what some of the more pessimistic scientists thought: The melting along the crucial edges of the two major ice sheets is accelerating and is in a selffeeding loop. The more the ice melts, the more water surrounds and eats away at the remaining ice.

"To some extent it's a runaway effect. The question is how far will it run?" said the study's lead author, Hamish Pritchard of the British Antarctic Survey. "It's more widespread than we previously thought."

The study doesn't answer the crucial question of how much this worsening melt will add to projections of sea level rise from manmade global warming.

Some scientists have previously estimated that steady melting of the two ice sheets will add about three feet, maybe more, to sea levels by the end of the century. But the ice sheets are so big it would probably take hundreds of years for them to completely disappear.

As scientists watch ice shelves retreat or just plain collapse, some thought the problem could slow or be temporary. The latest measurements eliminate "the most optimistic view," said Penn State University professor Richard Alley, who wasn't part of the study. The research found that 81 of the 111 Greenland glaciers surveyed are thinning at an accelerating, self-feeding pace. The key problem is not heat in the air, but the water near the ice sheets, Pritchard said.

PSLV-C14 Launch

7 In One Go

Three days after its 16th birthday, the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle on Wednesday roared its way to success from the Sriharikota spaceport and put in orbit India’s Oceansat-2 and six foreign nano satellites. 

This was the 15th successful flight of the launch vehicle in a row. The first PSLV flight took place on September 20, 1993.

Spectacular mission It was a spectacular mission. Everything went all right for the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) as the countdown was smooth and the lift-off perfect at the appointed time of 11.51 a.m.
Then the first stage of the PSLV-C14 came alive and the vehicle galvanised itself as it climbed into the sky. The three other stages too ignited and separated on time and the satellites were precisely injected into orbit.
18-minute flight At the end of 18 minutes of flight, the PSLV’s fourth stage injected Oceansat-2 into orbit at a velocity of 25,000 km an hour at an altitude of about 728 km. Thereafter, spring-loaded action mechanisms catapulted four nano satellites called Cubesat 1, 2, 3 and 4 into orbit one after the other. The other two nano satellites, Rubinsat 9.1 and 9.2, remained attached to the fourth stage. It implies that the fourth stage went into orbit.
“The PSLV is like a wine. With age, it only improves,” said ISRO Chairman G. Madhavan Nair. He called the launch mission “a fantastic achievement” and “a thrilling moment for the ISRO team.”

Leak rectified 
During the countdown, there was a leak in the vehicle’s reaction control package. A team led by M.Y.S. Prasad, Range Operations Director, immediately rectified the anomaly, Mr. Nair said.
Recalling the PSLV’s first flight, Mr. Nair said: “Unfortunately, we failed [on that day]. Since then, we have not looked back. The next 15 launches have been successful…which gives us the greatest joy.”

Solar panels 
Director of ISRO Satellite Centre in Bangalore T.K. Alex said the satellite’s solar panels had been deployed. A ground station at Antarctica had tracked it. The spacecraft, which was built at the centre, was pointing towards the earth in the right direction. The satellite was in normal health.
While two of Oceansat-2’s three payloads were designed and developed by the Space Applications Centre (SAC), Ahmedabad, the third one came from Italy.

SAC Director R.R. Navalgund said the satellite would provide data about plant life in the oceans. It would help in locating schools of fish and monitoring algal blooms that were harmful to fish life. It would also help in forecasting weather and providing information on cyclones.
Vice-President Hamid Ansari witnessed the launch.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Do You Know Your ABC's of Vitamins & Minerals?

Vitamins and minerals are essential nutrients which play key roles in many body processes. Try to match the nutrient on the left with its characteristic on the right.
1. Vitamin A A. Feeding large amounts of raw fish results in a deficiency of this nutrient
2. Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) B. Low blood level of this nutrient causes 'milk fever' in cattle and eclampsia in dogs
3. Vitamin C C. Deficiency of this nutrient results in macrocytic anemia
4. Vitamin D D. Huskies can have a genetic disorder in which they can not absorb this nutrient
5. Vitamin E E. This nutrient can reach dangerous levels in Addison's disease (hypoadrenocorticism)
6. Vitamin K F. Main source of this nutrient is the yellow pigment of plants - carotene
7. Niacin G. Also called the 'Sunshine Vitamin'
8. Vitamin B12 H. Also known as ascorbic acid
9. Potassium I. Bedlington Terriers can have a genetic disorder which affects the storage of this nutrient in the body
10. Calcium J. Deficiency of this nutrient is called 'yellow fat disease'
11. Copper K. Deficiency of this nutrient is called 'black tongue'
12. Zinc L. This nutrient is the antidote for pets who have eaten mouse/rat poison


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Scientists devise wire-free heart pump

Scientists have created what they claim is a wireless heart pump, thereby avoiding the need for infectionprone power cables running through the chest and eventually offering an alternative to heart transplants.
Previous heart pumps needed wires through the chest to get their power which was a source of serious infection in as many as 40 per cent of patients. Now, an international team has come up with a technology to power a wireless heart pump.

According to the scientists, the wireless heart pump uses magnetic fields to transfer power through a person's skin rather than using wire cables. The pump can be powered this way 24 hours a day for a person's lifetime. The scientists, led by Auckland University, have now floated a new company, TETCor, to take the technology to market for powering a wide range of devices implanted in human body.

According to TETCor CEO, Dr Simon Malpas, heart pumps need a huge amount of power. And the only way to power current artificial heart pumps is through a wire cable that goes via a patient's stomach and chest.
He said these wires cause serious infections, often leading to death in about 40 per cent of patients.

"This new wireless heart pump weights only 92 grams and measures just seven centimetres by three centimetres. It uses a coil outside a person's body to generate a magnetic field. A second coil placed inside a person's body, near the collar bone, picks up the signal from this field and creates power for the pump," Dr Malpas said. Dr Malpas said previous attempts at making wireless heart pumps produced too much heat. These earlier pumps would have ended up "cooking a person from the inside".

"The secret of this new technology is to deliver exactly the right amount of power, thereby eliminating the heating problem."


Astronomers have finally found a place outside our solar system where there's a firm place to stand -- if only it weren't so broiling hot.

As scientists search the skies for life elsewhere, they have found more than 300 planets outside our solar system. But they all have been gas balls or can't be proven to be solid.

Now a team of European astronomers has confirmed the first rocky extrasolar planet. Scientists have long figured that if life begins on a planet, it needs a solid surface to rest on, so finding one elsewhere is a big deal.
"We basically live on a rock ourselves," said co-discoverer Artie Hartzes, director of the Thuringer observatory in Germany. "It's as close to something like the earth that we've found so far. It's just a little too close to its sun."

So close that its surface temperature is more than 3,600 degrees Fahrenheit, too toasty to sustain life. It circles its star in just 20 hours, zipping around at 466,000 mph. By comparison, Mercury, the planet nearest our sun, completes its solar orbit in 88 days.

"It's hot, they're calling it the lava planet," Mr Hartzes said. This is a major discovery in the field of trying to find life elsewhere in the universe, said outside expert Alan Boss of the Carnegie Institution.

Australia in list of countries with high carbon emissions; India figures in list

Australia’s economy is the worst-placed in the rich world to stay competitive when global efforts to curb climate change force a price on carbon-dioxide emissions, a report released on Monday found.
Australia ranked 15th in its ability to generate business in a low-carbon world, according to an analysis commissioned by London-based think tank E3G and Sydney’s The Climate Institute.
Only South Africa, India, Saudi Arabia and Indonesia had lower rankings. France, Japan, Britain, South Korea and Germany ranked highest for carbon competitiveness, because of their energy efficiency measures and their shift from reliance on coal for power generation.
In a preface to the report, economist and climate campaigner Lord Nicholas Stern said the global economic downturn provided an opportunity for countries like Australia to improve energy efficiency.
Countries which don’t seize this opportunity will undermine their future competitiveness,” Mr. Stern said. Climate Institute head John Connor said that Australia had more work to do than any other nation to decouple economic growth from carbon emissions.
We’re coming at the back of the pack in terms of how efficient our economies are and how we can be helping towards a global agreement,” he said. “This is something which puts our jobs and living standards at risk if we don’t get on with economy-wide measures to change our economy to cut carbon pollution and to increase our productivity.” Australians are the world’s worst carbon-dioxide polluters per capita, according to the British risk assessment company Maplecroft Ltd. The United States, Canada, the Netherlands and Saudi Arabia round out the top five emitters of greenhouse gases from fossil fuels in the per capita list Maplecroft released last week.
Australia has an average output of 20.5 tons of carbon dioxide per person per year, compared with 19.7 tons for the US, 4.5 tons for China and just 1.1 tons for India.

U.S. approves four vaccines for Influenza A(H1N1)

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved four vaccines against the 2009 H1N1 influenza virus. The initial lots of the vaccines are expected to become available in a month’s time. 

The four vaccines approved are made by CSL Limited, MedImmune LLC, Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics Limited, and Sanofi Pasteur Inc. 
It was only a few days ago that the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) announced the preliminary data from two vaccine trials involving 2,800 participants above the age of 18. The vaccines were well tolerated, and produced robust immune response in 8-10 days after vaccination. The robust immune response was seen with just one dose of 15 microgram-vaccine.

Scientists unravel chemistry of Titan's hazy atmosphere

The study demonstrated for the first time that a sensible combination of laboratory simulation experiments with theory and modelling studies can shed light on decade old unsolved problems crucial to understand the origin and chemical evolution of the solar system. 
In a new research, a team of scientists has unravelled the chemical evolution of the orange-brownish coloured atmosphere of Saturn’s moon Titan, the only solar system body besides Venus and Earth with a solid surface and thick atmosphere. Scientists at University of Hawai’i at Manoa carried out the research.
The UH Manoa team, including Xibin Gu and Seol Kim, conducted simulation experiments mimicking the chemical reactions in Titan’s atmosphere utilizing crossed molecular beams in which the consequence of a single collision between molecules can be followed.
The team’s experiments indicate that triacetylene can be formed by a single collision of a “radical” ethynyl molecule and a diacetylene molecule. An ethynyl radical is produced in Titan’s atmosphere by the photodissociation of acetylene by ultraviolet light. Photodissociation is a process in which a chemical compound is broken down by photons. “Surprisingly, the photochemical models show inconsistent mechanisms for the production of polyynes,” said Kaiser, who is the principal investigator of this study.
The mechanism involved in the formation of triacetylene, was also confirmed by accompanying theoretical calculations by Alexander Mebel, a theoretical chemist at Florida International University.
These theoretical computations also provide the 3D distribution of electrons in atoms and thus the overall energy level of a molecule. To apply these findings to the real atmosphere of Titan, Danie Liang and Yuk Yung, planetary scientists at Taiwan’s Academia Sinica and California Institute of Technology (Caltech), respectively, performed photochemical modeling studies of Titan’s atmosphere. All data together suggest that triacetylene may serve as a building block to form more complex and longer polyynes and produce potential precursors for the aerosol-based layers of haze surrounding Titan.
The study demonstrated for the first time that a sensible combination of laboratory simulation experiments with theory and modelling studies can shed light on decade old unsolved problems crucial to understand the origin and chemical evolution of the solar system. The researchers hope to unravel next the mystery of the missing ethane lakes on Titan-postulated to exist for half a century, but not detected conclusively within the framework of the Cassini-Huygens mission. In the future, the UH Manoa team will combine the research results with terrestrial-based observations of Titan’s atmosphere.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

एन्टीबायटिक प्रतिरोधक एन्ज़ाइम मिला

अमरीकी वैज्ञानिकों ने बैक्टीरिया के भीतर एक ऐसी प्रतिरक्षात्मक प्रणाली की खोज की है जिससे वह एन्टीबायटिक दवाओं से लड़ पाता है.
 ‘साइंस’ नामक पत्रिका में प्रकाशित हुए इस अध्ययन ने पाया कि बैक्टीरिया नाइट्रिक ऑक्साइड पैदा करता है जो बहुत तरह की एन्टीबायटिक दवाओं के असर को ख़त्म कर देता है.

ब्रिटन के एक विशेषज्ञ का कहना है कि अगर नाइट्रिक ऑक्साइड को रोका जा सके तो ख़तरनाक संक्रमणों से जूझना आसान हो जाएगा. एन्टीबायटिक दवाओं के प्रति जीवाणुओं की प्रतिरोधक शक्ति बढ़ती जा रही है और विशेषज्ञ नए इलाज विकसित करने पर ज़ोर दे रहे हैं.

नया शोध
यह शोध न्यूयॉर्क के एक विश्वविद्यालय में किया गया है. बैक्टीरिया एक सूक्ष्म अणु पैदा करता है जो नाइट्रोजन और ऑक्सीजन के एक-एक अणु से मिलकर बना होता है. और इसी से बैक्टीरिया में एन्टीबायटिक दवाओं से लड़ने की क्षमता पैदा हो जाती है.

डॉ येवगैनी नुडलर, शोध दल के प्रमुख शोधकर्ताओं ने पाया कि जैसे ही शरीर में एन्टीबॉयटिक दवा पहुंचती है बैक्टीरिया उससे लड़ने के लिए नाइट्रिक ऑक्साइड पैदा करने लगता है. उन्होने यह भी देखा कि अगर नाइट्रिक ऑक्साइड पैदा न होने दिया जाए तो हल्की एन्टीबायटिक दवाएं भी काम करने लगती हैं.

कम मात्रा में अधिक असर

इस शोध का नेतृत्व डॉ येवगैनी नुडलर ने किया है. उनका कहना है कि ऐसी नई दवाएं विकसित करना बड़ा मुश्किल है जो ऐन्टीबायटिक प्रतिरोध से लड़ सकें.
डॉ नुडलर ने कहा, “हमारे पास इसका एक आसान रास्ता है. हमें नई एन्टीबायटिक दवाएं खोजने की ज़रूरत नहीं. इसके स्थान पर हम पहले से मौजूद एन्टीबायटिक दवाओं की गतिविधि बढ़ा सकते हैं जिससे वो कम मात्रा में अधिक प्रभावी हो सकें”.

ब्रिटन के रॉयल हैम्पशायर काउंटी हॉस्पिटल में सूक्ष्म जैविकी और संक्रमित रोगों के विशेषज्ञ डॉ मैथ्यू ड्राइडन कहते हैं, “अगर नाइट्रिक ऑक्साइड पैदा करने वाले ऐन्ज़ाइम को रोका जा सके तो चिकित्सा के क्षेत्र में यह एक बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण प्रगति होगी. विशेषकर इसलिए क्योंकि हम नई तरह की एन्टीबायटिक दवाएं नहीं बना पा रहे हैं”.