Thursday, September 17, 2009

Do You Know Your ABC's of Vitamins & Minerals?

Vitamins and minerals are essential nutrients which play key roles in many body processes. Try to match the nutrient on the left with its characteristic on the right.
1. Vitamin A A. Feeding large amounts of raw fish results in a deficiency of this nutrient
2. Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) B. Low blood level of this nutrient causes 'milk fever' in cattle and eclampsia in dogs
3. Vitamin C C. Deficiency of this nutrient results in macrocytic anemia
4. Vitamin D D. Huskies can have a genetic disorder in which they can not absorb this nutrient
5. Vitamin E E. This nutrient can reach dangerous levels in Addison's disease (hypoadrenocorticism)
6. Vitamin K F. Main source of this nutrient is the yellow pigment of plants - carotene
7. Niacin G. Also called the 'Sunshine Vitamin'
8. Vitamin B12 H. Also known as ascorbic acid
9. Potassium I. Bedlington Terriers can have a genetic disorder which affects the storage of this nutrient in the body
10. Calcium J. Deficiency of this nutrient is called 'yellow fat disease'
11. Copper K. Deficiency of this nutrient is called 'black tongue'
12. Zinc L. This nutrient is the antidote for pets who have eaten mouse/rat poison


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